uiuc bus



The efficiency of use, aesthetics + design, and error prevention 


Redesign the UIUC Bus app to meet more modern design standards and develop more functionality.

project members

Nora Duffy

Arnav Lande

Shiva Nakka

Aliyah Philip

Usability problem #1

Written by Aliyah Philip

No interactive path map

Why is it a problem: Because the current Illini Bus app does not have an interactive map option, there is no personalized aspect for a user. That being said, the app is more of an informational page. 

How much it matters: This matters because having an interactive option allows users to use the app more efficiently and spend less time searching for the information they specifically need. 

Why we decided to tackle it: Our group opted to tackle this issue to ensure users would have the most optimal experience. Especially for something such as a travel application, the amount of time required to operate it does affect whether or not a user will decide to use it over other options.

Ideas for addressing selected problem: An idea for tackling this issue would be to add a feature that allows users to make a personalized pathway from their current location to their desired destination. 

Redesign solution to share with the clients: We propose adding a “Route” feature. This would function by the app detecting their current location and the user would be able to input where they would like to go. The app would then give them route options based on the closest available stops in accordance with bus times. 

Design rationale: We chose to make these changes so that users remain with our app instead of switching to other apps that can carry out this function such as Google Maps.

Pros of solution: The pros of this solution are that the app immediately delivers the specific information that the user needs.

Cons of solution: The cons of this solution are that users can become overwhelmed with the multitude of options that derive from having a variety of viable routes. 

Trade-offs: We can increase efficiency, but at the same time there is the chance of increased complexity causing confusion.

Future work: A prototyped “Route” option.

usability problem #2

Written by Nora Duffy

Stop map functionality

Why is it a problem: This is a problem because the stop map is essentially useless the way it is currently designed. It is very hard to tell what routes go to which stops. 

How much it matter: The stop map is not a very crucial part of the app, so this issue is not a very important problem to address. It is not necessary to have a stop map, but the way it is designed is not helpful or intuitive. 

Why we decided to tackle it: We decided to redesign this because it takes up space on the app and could be replaced with a more useful function. A function that might be more helpful is a trip planning function. The stop map does not offer any unique,  useful information and is currently very confusing to navigate. 

Ideas for addressing selected problem: One option we have for this redesign is to remove the stop map completely and replace it with a trip planning function. This would increase the interface’s effectiveness and efficiency. Another idea is that we could reorganize the stop map so that it shows the routes as well as the stops. This would help because it would show the closest stops where the bus route you need to use stops. 

Redesign solution to share with the clients: We are proposing to reorganize the stop map by showing the routes and differentiating them by using different colors. This would improve the overall app because it would more clearly show which stops are serviced by certain routes. 

Pros of solution: This would help improve the organization and effectiveness of the app. The stop map would then be more useful rather than it currently is. 

Cons of solution: This could make the stop map more cluttered, which might lead to more confusion when zoomed out on the page. 

Trade-offs: We can increase the effectiveness, but it might make the page more disorganized. 

Future work: A prototype of the stop map page with color coded routes displayed. 

usability problem #3

Written by Arnav Lande

no option to see how to transfer buses

Why is it a problem: Oftentimes, taking buses across campus requires transferring to another bus, however, UIUC Bus does not offer any form of route planning to make it easy to tell where to transfer. The current app only allows you to view the stops and bus lines, so the user will have to infer where to transfer, and the bus timings may require additional wait times.

How much it matter: This issue matters significantly because adding a routing feature will significantly increase the utility of the app. As of right now, the app only serves as a timetable for the busses, however, adding a routing and transfer system will allow the app to become used for daily navigational tasks. 

Why we decided to tackle it: We decided to tackle this issue because it is a function that can change the app into something more useful and push it ahead of its competitors. There are many bus apps for UIUC, but none of them offer route planning that also incorporates MTD’s real-time bus tracking system.

Ideas for addressing selected problem: We can add a route feature that also makes sure to notify the user of any upcoming transfers and wait times. This allows the user to make the choice between transferring or just walking from the nearest bus stop. Depending on the user’s preferences, the route feature will show multiple options and transit times to provide flexible choices.

Redesign solution to share with the clients: Along with the route feature, we will incorporate transfer functionality by using an algorithm to determine the shortest route with transfers. We will also display the shortest route without transfers, including walking time. The transfers feature will also indicate if the user will need to wait a certain time between buses and will let the user know which exact bus to transfer to.

Design rationale: We made these changes because they will further the functionality of the UIUC Bus app and allow users to plan their routes more effectively and efficiently.

Pros of solution: Allows better bus route management, faster transit times, fewer mistakes made when traveling

Cons of solution: Some users may not want to transfer, might be too much effort on their part, and may add to the complexity of the user interface

Trade-offs: The ability to view transfer information is a huge step in reducing transit times, but maybe a little complex for users looking to just go from point A to point B.

Future work: Crowdsourced bus data in the app (wait times, crowdedness, live location) 

usability problem #4

Written by Shiva Nakka

App’s interface is too complex

Why is it a problem: The application interface is way too complex and it feels like too much is happening. To first-time users, it can throw them off really easily seeing so many things. On top of that, a lot of their placements of tools are all in places that aren’t really noticeable to the user.

How much it matter: This matters an immense amount because this is the first thing a user looks at and interacts with. Therefore it is necessary that when they use the app the interface can provide them with helpful information while making the use of the app better overall.

Why we decided to tackle it: Our group decided to take this on as this is one of the biggest aspects of the application and it is important that the first impression of the app and inviting as well as informative. 

Ideas for addressing selected problem: A start would be to change the coloring scheme so it is more inviting as well as make a home page with all the necessary steps to get a bus.

Redesign solution to share with the clients: We are proposing to change the interface. This would change the app by making it more interactive as well as user-friendly. This would enhance the way the app functions and give the user a better overall performance.

Design rationale: We decided to change a lot of things that we believe give the app more color as well as catch the attention of users. We also switched around a couple of things so the users can access them better. 

Pros of solution: The positive of our solution is that it makes the application more appealing and easy for the user to understand and use. 

Cons of solution: The negative could be that the user feels like it may not be quick enough to find a bus but we can still work around that.

Trade-offs: We increase efficiency & user experience, but at the same time there is the chance of increased time it takes to find a bus.

Future work: We want to work on slowing the time it takes to find a bus while still maintaining the current format of our interface.


View our prototype below

Figma Link



